This bit of information might just save your romantic weekend plans. When the inevitable red wine falls on your carpet, no need to put an end to the evening. Blot up what you can with a white rag or paper towels, working from the outside in, as to help prevent the stain from spreading. Sprinkle table salt over the spot and let it sit there, absorbing the wine until the evening's events are over. Once you are free to start cleaning up, vacuum up the salt. Apply some lukewarm water to the spot to help dilute the wine and help you to blot up more of the color. Repeat this process until you can’t get any more of the spot out though this method. Next apply a paste made with a 3 to 1 ratio of backing soda to water. Apply this directly to the spot and wait for it to dry completely before vacuuming it up. If the spot still remains, it's best to call in the pros. Getting the pros in quickly and telling them exactly what happened is the best way to help your professional get your carpets looking their best. And if this long process isn’t something you want to deal with…. sprinkle on some salt and give us a call ASAP. We love cleaning up a mess.
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