We’ve got 4 weeks until Fall officially begins. Are you ready for those cooler months? We’ve got the ultimate cleaning and prep list for fall to get your home ready for cozy nights, crisp weather, and the beautiful change in seasons. One thing to do each day, for 4 weeks. We are ready for cozy nights, the smell of rain, and the sound of leaves under foot.
Week One - Mechanical/Outdoors
Have your fireplace/chimney serviced
Change filters in your air heating/cooling, HEPPA filters, vacuum, and water.
Replace old lightbulbs and get emergency candles… maybe even a scented candle for that cozy fall smell.
Clean windows inside and out, including windowsills.
Check smoke detectors and replace batteries if needed.
Clean out your gutters
Trim back plants
Week Two - Kitchen
Clean the pantry and get rid of any expired food, and organize.
Wash cabinets and walls.
Clean behind stove, vacuum the coils and sweep the floor.
Clean out the cabinets and drawers, dust, organize and set aside items to donate.
Deep clean microwave.
Wipe down all appliances, even the lesser used items in your cabinets like your crockpot… it’s almost chili season and that crockpot is about to become VIP again!
Donate any items that you haven’t used in over a year.
Week Three - Bathroom/Living Room
Wash cabinets and walls.
Clean light fixtures.
Replace worn out towels.
Toss old makeup and personal products.
Dust baseboards.
Pull furniture out to clean underneath and behind.
Vacuum furniture.
Week Four - Bedrooms
Vacuum mattress to remove the build up from summer.
Clean walls and baseboards.
Sweep/vacuum under bed.
Clean fans, and vents.
Wash bed ruffles, pillows, and clean curtains.
Sort through clothing and get rid of unneeded items.
Get out winter bedding and put away summer.
Are you ready for fall? What do you still need to do? Looking to have your carpets professionally cleaned? It is recommended to have them cleaned every 6-12 months. If you’re home is needing a refresh for the season, give us a call!